by Renee Lindo (Read Renee’s agent bio. / Read Robbie’s agent bio.)
Have you visited the food trucks in Abington on Wednesdays? The trucks started out at Griffin Dairy Farm (where these photos were taken) but have now moved to Town Hall/Reilly Field due to the popularity of the event. Visit the trucks from 4-7 pm, every Wednesday, through the end of October.
We went for dinner a couple weeks ago and had a great time sampling food from Away Café, South Shore Taco Guy, and (of course) the ice cream truck. They had 6 different trucks there (including one that sold doggie ice cream), but have now expanded to 10 trucks each week. During our visit the lines were a bit long, but moved pretty quickly. The Mom on the Go Authentic Grilled Cheese Truck was a fan favorite!
Some of the trucks started running out of their most popular dishes by the end, so you may want to get there early. I would also advise bringing a picnic blanket or some camp chairs if you plan to stay to eat. There is some seating, but not enough to accommodate everyone.
Despite these minor issues, we still ended up with a great meal—a hot dog with cheesy bacon fries from the Away Café; chicken tacos, veggie tacos, and churros from the Taco Guy truck; and cotton candy from the ice cream truck. It was a nice little outing that gave us a chance to see some of our friends and neighbors that we haven’t seen in a long time. We are looking forward to spending more Wednesday evenings here throughout the summer. Many thanks to the South Shore Food Truck Association for organizing!
And if you love food trucks and just can't wait for Wednesday to roll around each week, you can also find trucks at Forge Pond Park in Hanover on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-7 pm too!